There exist in Taishanese literary and colloquial sub-strata of speech. Certain words have two pronunciations. The colloquial forms are usually monosyllable, and the literal forms typically pair up with other syllables to create literal or abstract multisyllabic words. For example, 平 is [piaŋ22] when the price is low, but [pein22] in 和平(peace). 声 is [siaŋ33] in 好声(good voice), but [sein33] in 声音(sound).

The following is a tentative list, with the colloquial followed by literal pronunciations.

The list is subdivided into four groups. The first group is with æŋ/ein vowel shift.  The second group has æk/ɛt difference. The third group is differentiated by the initial consonants (i.e. aspirated/unaspirated or glottal fricative/plosive) and tones. The four group shows tone or other misc. difference. The fifth group lists characters with different semantic meanings when pronounced differently -- unlike characters in all previous groups. Personally I consider characters in the fifth group borderline cases.

Colloquial Literary
gæŋ33 gein33
pæŋ22 pein22
dæŋ33 dein33
tæŋ22 tein55
tæŋ55 tein55
tæŋ33 tein33
læŋ22 lein22
læŋ22 lein22
sæŋ22 sein33
sæŋ33 sein33
hæŋ33 hein33
ɬæŋ32 ɬein33
hæŋ33 hein33
yæŋ55 yein55
dzæŋ33 dzein33
læŋ21 lein21
læŋ21 lein21
dæŋ32 dein32
dæŋ55 dein55
tsæk33 tsɛt55
yæk32 yɛt32
dæk32 dɛt32
?æk33 ?ɛt55
ɬæk33 ɬɛt55
kin33 gin32
ki22 gi33
tsǝŋ33 dzǝŋ32
ham33 ?am32
han22 ?an32
hɔn33 ?ɔn32
tɔ33 dɔ32
pɔn21 bɔn32
kɔi33 gɔi21
fǝk32 bǝk32
fu55 bu55
fu22 bu32
tɔŋ22 dɔŋ32
ŋɔi33/21 ŋɔ21
ŋui21 ŋui22
nɔn21 nɔn33
sæŋ32 sæŋ33
haŋ22 hɔŋ22
hiau22 ?iau32

The first and second groups are similar. Their marker is the æ/ɛ difference. I'm showing the Taicheng (台城) accent. In the Taicheng area, I believe [ɛŋ] has morphed to [ein], and [ɛk] to [ɛt]. [ɛŋ] and [ɛk] are still the norm in some Taishanese speaking regions.

Most of the characters on the list also have dual pronunciations in Cantonese. For example, 城 in Cantonese can be either /sang4/ or /sing4/ (in Jyutping notation). In Cantonese, the colloquial pronunciation is called 白读, and the literal 文读.